To help you attain optimal health with experienced, individualized care, and supportive lifestyle choices. 




Dr. Chip and  Dr. Wini Hamilton  have been in practice in this same Phinney Ridge location since 1990. They treat patients of all ages, including babies and pregnant women. A pregnancy table is available. They treat injured workers, personal injuries, and motor vehicle accident injuries. Other chiropractors are welcome to refer injured workers to Dr. Wini Hamilton for second opinion exams, which she has done since 1995. She is an approved Washington Labor & Industries examiner, certified by IAIME for disability ratings. See http://www.iaime.org/ . She does legal work if requested. 


Dr. Wini worked as an RN in several teaching hospitals in Boston and Atlanta before becoming a chiropractor.  She had over 15 years' experience as an RN before pursuing a chiropractic career.

Dr. Chip worked as a massage therapist for many years before graduating from chiropractic school. Both he and Dr. Wini incorporate some massage techniques with their treatment. See information about soft tissue work, below.



Both provider's practice includes hands-on adjusting, adjusting with an Activator, cranial and TMJ adjusting, extremity adjusting, and IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization).

 They both have advanced certification in Hawkgrips and Graston work, which are two kinds of IASTM. They also make orthotics as needed. The doctors each have advanced training in extremity adjusting;  CCEP (Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner).

They also offer cervical pillows, balance cushions, cervical and lumbar supports  and natural pain relief products.

The doctors like educating patients about healthy diet, nutritional support, and regular exercise. Patients get the best results when they make appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to support the chiropractic adjustments. 




Payment is expected at the time of service, which enables us to keep costs down, and prices reasonable. If requested, you can receive a Superbill ( which has procedure & diagnostic codes) that you may send to your insurance company. Depending on your policy, they will pay some/maybe all of the bill. If there is medical coverage available on a car/motor vehicle accident case, we do billing. We also bill Labor & Industries.


Give us a call, and put yourself on the path to better overall health. 206-784-4672.